treewide: Update and adapt to new dream2nix project.toml

Tristan Daniël Maat 2023-01-05 02:13:13 +00:00
parent f034fbe7e4
commit b2894e4fef
Signed by: tlater
GPG Key ID: 49670FD774E43268
4 changed files with 97 additions and 103 deletions

View File

@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
"crane": {
"flake": false,
"locked": {
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"narHash": "sha256-JF0pc0s4z/X+Iy+lNHOwUQ8I5bz+q7uX4HrKTNIEj24=",
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"narHash": "sha256-VXVa+KBfukhmWizaiGiHRVX/fuk66P8dgSFfkVN4/MY=",
"owner": "ipetkov",
"repo": "crane",
"rev": "2243fb9c872de25cb564a02d324ea6a5b9853052",
"rev": "59b31b41a589c0a65e4a1f86b0e5eac68081468b",
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@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
"pre-commit-hooks": "pre-commit-hooks"
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"narHash": "sha256-WqBUyKeiv+jI11ug+qP0OnZ4nngK6eBRVTGHgdzEGvc=",
"owner": "nix-community",
"repo": "dream2nix",
"rev": "a46b77e2243415ff5eb76b8b35277c0a9b9b072c",
"rev": "9f6911c78dcb0832f7fcc955e847db1a5a9ce29a",
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"original": {
@ -133,11 +133,11 @@
"rust-analyzer-src": "rust-analyzer-src_2"
"locked": {
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"narHash": "sha256-PKt6orRiFO19KFKnOhzK26hbFLtimlRNE2dGwrTEhII=",
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"repo": "fenix",
"rev": "2745d0c04a278231140125b81996d23fe00d923c",
"rev": "eb6583fcd626051c4d284f2fb51cd2659a43e7f6",
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"original": {
@ -293,11 +293,11 @@
"nixpkgs_2": {
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"narHash": "sha256-L+yqt2szcp+BFiWoMJCisDsNA5OrpYVW1QSbbS5U8RU=",
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"rev": "7a6a010c3a1d00f8470a5ca888f2f927f1860a19",
"rev": "a9eedea7232f5d00f0aca7267efb69a54da1b8a1",
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"original": {
@ -376,11 +376,11 @@
"rust-analyzer-src_2": {
"flake": false,
"locked": {
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"narHash": "sha256-9XSIUkTYVO2uYG7sy5wv1mlvqIkLzj02UfHMpf3CzqA=",
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"narHash": "sha256-BK1njXsjprMT0f+1aQYmZ/ueN9D3Y3wrz9gw4UvieRQ=",
"owner": "rust-lang",
"repo": "rust-analyzer",
"rev": "14492043dba29d626ea98667c3c7c0002f75feff",
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View File

@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
}: let
} @ flake-inputs: let
# At the moment, we only deploy to x86_64-linux. Update when we
# care about another platform.
system = "x86_64-linux";
flakeOutputs = import ./nix/packages.nix {inherit nixpkgs dream2nix fenix system;};
flakeOutputs = nixpkgs.lib.callPackageWith flake-inputs (import ./nix/packages.nix) {inherit system;};
in {
packages.${system} = {
server = flakeOutputs.server.packages.${system}.default;
templates = flakeOutputs.templates.packages.${system}.default;
server = flakeOutputs.packages.${system}.tlaternet-webserver;
templates = flakeOutputs.packages.${system}.tlaternet;
apps.${system}.default = let
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
nixosModules.default = import ./nix/module.nix {inherit self system;};
devShells.${system} = {
templates = flakeOutputs.templates.devShells.${system}.default.overrideAttrs (old: {
templates = flakeOutputs.devShells.${system}.default.overrideAttrs (old: {
buildInputs = with nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system};
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
server = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}.mkShell {
packages = [
(flakeOutputs.server.rust-toolchain.withComponents [
(flakeOutputs.rust-toolchain.withComponents [

View File

@ -1,80 +1,41 @@
}: {
server = let
}: let
inherit (nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}) runCommandLocal yj;
rust-toolchain = fenix.packages.${system}.stable;
dream2nix.lib.makeFlakeOutputs {
systems = [system];
config.projectRoot = ../server;
source = ../server;
config.projectRoot = self;
projects = ../projects.toml;
source = runCommandLocal "source" {nativeBuildInputs = [yj];} ''
cp -r ${self} $out/
chmod -R u+w $out
yj < $out/templates/package.yaml > $out/templates/package.json
packageOverrides = {
"^.*".set-toolchain.overrideRustToolchain = old: {
tlaternet-webserver.set-toolchain.overrideRustToolchain = old: {
cargo = rust-toolchain.minimalToolchain;
rustc = rust-toolchain.minimalToolchain;
// {
inherit rust-toolchain;
tlaternet-webserver-deps.set-toolchain.overrideRustToolchain = old: {
cargo = rust-toolchain.minimalToolchain;
rustc = rust-toolchain.minimalToolchain;
templates = let
inherit (nixpkgs.legacyPackages.${system}) runCommandLocal yj;
dream2nix.lib.makeFlakeOutputs {
systems = [system];
config.projectRoot = ../templates;
# Generate `package.json` from `package.yaml`, since the nodejs
# ecosystem doesn't support yaml.
source = runCommandLocal "templates" {nativeBuildInputs = [yj];} ''
cp -r ${../templates} $out/
chmod u+w $out
yj < ${../templates/package.yaml} > $out/package.json
packageOverrides = {
tlaternet = {
add-build-script = {
# Dream2nix' built-in install script assumes this is just
# a usual npm package and will install it in
# `node_modules`.
# Parcel will detect this, and completely break all
# configuration. Furthermore, we don't actually want to
# install this as if it was an npm library.
# The easiest way to fix this is just to rename the
# top-level directory.
preBuild = ''
# Rename top-level directory so parcel doesn't think we're in a
# node_module
mv ../../node_modules ../../top-level
# Rewrite $PATH and co. to use the new path.
export PATH=''${PATH//lib\/node_modules\/.bin/lib\/top-level\/.bin}
export NODE_PATH=''${NODE_PATH//lib\/node_modules/lib\/top-level}
install-only-dist = {
installPhase = ''
# For some reason, dream2nix builds in the out directory. Don't ask
# me, I don't know either.
# First, go to a sane directory and back up our actual build output
mv dist /build/dist
cd /build
# Then, delete everything currently in $out
chmod -R u+rwx $out
rm -r $out
# Finally, actually install our output
mv dist $out
cp -r $nodeModules/tlaternet/dist $out
@ -90,5 +51,7 @@
// {
inherit rust-toolchain;

projects.toml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# projects.toml file describing inputs for dream2nix
# To re-generate this file, run:
# nix run .#detect-projects $source
# ... where `$source` points to the source of your project.
# If the local flake is unavailable, alternatively execute the app from the
# upstream dream2nix flake:
# nix run github:nix-community/dream2nix#detect-projects $source
name = "tlaternet"
relPath = "templates"
subsystem = "nodejs"
translator = "package-lock"
translators = [ "package-lock", "package-json",]
name = "tlaternet-webserver"
relPath = "server"
subsystem = "rust"
translator = "cargo-lock"
translators = [ "cargo-lock", "cargo-toml",]
workspaceMembers = []
name = "tlaternet-webserver"
relPath = "server"
version = "0.1.0"