name: tlaternet version: 1.0.0 description: tlaternet web interface author: Tristan Maat license: MIT private: true dependencies: # Libraries gl-matrix: ^3.4.3 # To help with 3D math in WebGL code classnames: ^2.5.1 # To manage CSS class names in react code # Fonts hack-font: ^3.3.0 '@fontsource/arimo': ^5.0.18 '@fontsource/nunito': ^5.0.16 '@fortawesome/fontawesome-free': ^6.5.1 # Frameworks for static content bulma: ^0.9.4 # React-redux stuff react: ^18.2.0 react-dom: ^18.2.0 react-use-error-boundary: ^3.0.0 # TODO(tlater): Remove when react implement their own redux: ^5.0.1 '@reduxjs/toolkit': ^2.0.1 react-redux: ^9.0.4 devDependencies: # Parcel & plugins parcel: ^2.10.3 '@parcel/transformer-sass': ^2.10.3 '@parcel/transformer-glsl': ^2.10.3 # Build tools typescript: ^5.3.3 sass: ^1.69.6 posthtml-extend: ^0.6.5 posthtml-favicons: ^1.4.0 posthtml-include: ^1.7.4 posthtml-markdownit: ^1.3.1 '@babel/preset-env': ^7.23.7 # Type shims '@types/react-dom': ^18.2.18 '@types/react-redux': ^7.1.33 # Dev tools npm-check-updates: ^16.14.12 prettier: ^3.1.1 typescript-language-server: ^4.2.0 typescript-eslint-language-service: ^5.0.5 eslint: ^8.56.0 '@typescript-eslint/parser': ^6.17.0 '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': ^6.17.0 vscode-langservers-extracted: ^4.8.0 scripts: # Dev workflow build: parcel build --no-autoinstall serve: parcel serve --no-autoinstall watch: parcel watch --no-autoinstall # Production build build-dist: parcel build --no-cache --no-autoinstall # Checks check: tsc --noEmit style: prettier --check src lint: eslint --max-warnings=0 --format unix src # Parcel config source: - src/index.html - src/error.html browserslist: '> 1%, not dead' posthtml: plugins: posthtml-markdownit: root: src posthtml-extend: root: src posthtml-include: root: src posthtml-favicons: root: src outDir: ./dist/ configuration: appName: appShortName: appDescription: tlater's home page developerName: Tristan Daniƫl Maat developerURL: dir: auto lang: en-US background: '#0f0f0f' theme_color: '#99d1ce' appleStatusBarStyle: black-translucent display: browser orientation: any start_url: version: "1.0" icons: favicons: true