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2023-01-19 07:59:58 +00:00
set -eu
# The backticks aren't supposed to be shell expansion
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
echo 'Note: Update the flake inputs with `nix flake update --commit-lockfile *first*`'
# Make sure we're at the repo root
cd "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" || exit
# Update cargo deps
cd packages/server || exit
2023-01-19 07:59:58 +00:00
cargo update
if ! git diff --quiet Cargo.lock Cargo.toml; then
git commit -m 'server: Update cargo dependencies' Cargo.lock Cargo.toml
# Update template deps
cd ../templates || exit
tmpdir="$(mktemp -dt 'npm-updates.XXXXXXXXXX')"
trap 'rm -r -- "$tmpdir"' EXIT
# Ensure package.json is up to date so that npm-check-updates can read
# it
yq --output-format json package.yaml > package.json
# Fetch package updates and prepare an update dict
yq -P eval-all '{"dependencies": select(fi==0)} * {"devDependencies": select(fi==1)}' \
<(npm-check-updates --dep prod --jsonUpgraded) \
<(npm-check-updates --dep dev --jsonUpgraded) \
> "$tmpdir/updates.yaml"
# Now apply these using yq
yq -P ". *= load(\"$tmpdir/updates.yaml\")" package.yaml > "$tmpdir/package.yaml.updated"
# yq's in-place replacement sadly doesn't persist newlines currently,
# so we need to apply the changes in a roundabout way using diff.
diff --ignore-blank-lines <(yq '.' package.yaml) "$tmpdir/package.yaml.updated" > "$tmpdir/update.patch" || true
patch --no-backup-if-mismatch --merge --input="$tmpdir/update.patch" package.yaml
# Update package.json again and get npm to update the package lock
# file
yq --output-format json package.yaml > package.json
npm install --package-lock-only
if ! git diff --quiet package.yaml package-lock.json; then
git commit -m 'templates: Update npm dependencies' package.yaml package-lock.json