Tristan Daniël Maat
This is no longer necessary because the new web server will manage handlebars itself, rather than going through an opinionated third party library.
85 lines
1.8 KiB
85 lines
1.8 KiB
name: tlaternet
version: 1.0.0
description: tlaternet web interface
author: Tristan Maat <>
license: MIT
private: true
# Libraries
gl-matrix: ^3.4.3 # To help with 3D math in WebGL code
classnames: ^2.3.1 # To manage CSS class names in react code
# Fonts
hack-font: ^3.3.0
'@fontsource/arimo': ^4.5.8
'@fontsource/nunito': ^4.5.9
'@fortawesome/fontawesome-free': ^6.1.1
# Frameworks for static content
bulma: ^0.9.4
# React-redux stuff
react: ^18.2.0
react-dom: ^18.2.0
react-use-error-boundary: ^3.0.0 # TODO(tlater): Remove when react implement their own
redux: ^4.2.0
'@reduxjs/toolkit': ^1.8.3
react-redux: ^8.0.2
# Parcel & plugins
parcel: ^2.6.2
'@parcel/transformer-sass': ^2.6.2
'@parcel/transformer-glsl': 2.6.2
# Build tools
typescript: ^4.7.4
sass: ^1.53.0
posthtml-extend: ^0.6.3
posthtml-favicons: ^1.4.0
posthtml-include: ^1.7.4
posthtml-markdownit: ^1.3.0
'@babel/preset-env': ^7.18.6
# Type shims
'@types/react-dom': ^18.0.6
'@types/react-redux': ^7.1.24
# Dev tools
npm-check-updates: ^16.0.5
prettier: ^2.7.1
typescript-language-server: ^0.11.2
typescript-eslint-language-service: ^5.0.0
eslint: ^8.21.0
'@typescript-eslint/parser': ^5.32.0
'@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin': ^5.32.0
vscode-langservers-extracted: ^4.2.1
# Dev workflow
build: parcel build --no-autoinstall
serve: parcel serve --no-autoinstall
watch: parcel watch --no-autoinstall
# Production build
build-dist: parcel build --no-cache --no-autoinstall
# Checks
check: tsc --noEmit
style: prettier --check src
lint: eslint --max-warnings=0 --format unix src
# Parcel config
- src/index.html
- src/404.html
browserslist: '> 1%, not dead'