extends ../lib/pug/base

block content
      .head-line .typed {
        visibility: visible;

    | $ 
    span.typed Welcome to tlater.net!
  h5.tag-line: em Your #1 site for useless time sinks


        #### About Me

        I am a 23 year old CS student currently studying in
        Manchester, UK. Almost everything I do revolves around
        computers, so when I am not working on them I spend my time
        optimizing the way I work on them. As a consequence, I use
        Linux regularly, and love to help others in the various
        communities revolving around the OS.

        My Linux background ensures that most of my projects involve
        scripting languages like bash, lua or python, with the
        occasional bit of pure C, and tools that are relevant to the
        open source community, such as git, but I also have experience
        with web development technologies such as PHP, SQL, NodeJS and
        generic JavaScript.

        #### My Work

        Besides the webpage you are looking at right now and its
        components, most of my side projects are accessible through my
        [GitHub account](https://www.github.com/TLATER).

        I am particularly proud of my [Linux
        dotfiles](https://github.com/TLATER/dotfiles) which contain
        several helper applications for emacs, Google Chrome, awesome
        WM and others.


        #### Contacting Me

        The best way to contact me is probably through the [e-mail
        form](mail). I will usually respond within a day. If this is
        inconvenient for some reason, feel free to contact me through

        #### This Website

        There is not a whole lot here at the moment. I am planning on adding
        several of my JavaScript toys, but few of them are ready to show off.

        You may find the following interesting though:

        - A [little web app](music_sample) showing off what Webgl can do in combination with the JavaScript Audio interface.