extends ./lib/pug/base

block stylesheets
    .no-js .head-line .typed {
        visibility: visible;
    .head-line .typed {
        visibility: hidden;

block content
    | $ 
    span.typed Welcome to tlater.net!


        #### About Me

        Looks like you found my website. I suppose introductions are
        in order.

        My name's Tristan, I'm an avid Dutch-South African software
        consultant working in the UK. You probably either met me at an
        open source conference, a hackathon, a badminton session or at
        a roleplaying table.

        If not, well, this is also a great place to "meet" me. Have a

        #### This Website

        There is not a whole lot here at the moment.

        You may find the following interesting though:

        - A [little web app](./music_sample.pug) showing off what
          WebGL can do in combination with the JavaScript Audio

        #### My Work

        I'm a software consultant working for
        [Codethink](https://www.codethink.co.uk) in Manchester,
        UK. Our specializaiton is open source software, so this has
        allowed me to directly contribute to a number of open source
        projects, notably
        an integration tool for large software stacks.

        I've given a couple of talks on it, as well:

        - Build meetup 2017
        - Build meetup 2018
        - Build meetup 2019

        Outside of work for Codethink, I'm generally interested in
        things such as NixOS and other tools that assist maintaining
        Linux systems - mostly born out of my pursuit of the perfect
        Linux desktop (feel free to have a browse through my

        I also just enjoy Programming, my core languages currently are
        Rust, Python, Lisp and JavaScript (including a number of
        frameworks and tools for these), although I have hopes to
        eventually reduce these to just Rust ;)

        If you're interested in seeing these things for yourself,
        visit my [Gitlab](https://gitlab.com/tlater) and
        [GitHub](https://github.com/tlater) pages.

block footer
  script(type="text/javascript" src="./index.ts" defer)