
123 lines
3.8 KiB

}: let
inherit (pkgs) fetchNextcloudApp;
nextcloud = pkgs.nextcloud24;
hostName = "nextcloud.${}";
in {
services.nextcloud = {
inherit hostName;
package = nextcloud;
enable = true;
maxUploadSize = "2G";
https = true;
config = {
overwriteProtocol = "https";
dbtype = "pgsql";
dbhost = "/run/postgresql";
adminuser = "tlater";
adminpassFile = config.sops.secrets."nextcloud/tlater".path;
defaultPhoneRegion = "AT";
extraApps = {
# TODO(tlater): Seems like this won't work anymore from
# Nextcloud 25 onwards.
# Adopt whatever upstream does with this:
apporder = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp {
name = "apporder";
url = "";
version = "0.15.0";
sha256 = "sha256-p3VWxTYDCO2NePq6oLM8tBVqYkvoB7itqxp7IZwGDnE=";
bookmarks = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp {
name = "bookmarks";
url = "";
version = "11.0.4";
sha256 = "sha256-URqtzaCx8FEZHCDP1wSBUFNs+x50jesRtWi+xOU1oXM=";
calendar = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp {
name = "calendar";
url = "";
version = "3.5.0";
sha256 = "sha256-+LRGl9h40AQdWN9SW+NqGwTafAGwV07Af8nVs3pUCm0=";
contacts = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp {
name = "contacts";
url = "";
version = "4.2.2";
sha256 = "sha256-GTiyZsUHBXPgQ17DHAihmt2W/ZnAjDwfgwnujkRwk6A=";
cookbook = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp {
name = "cookbook";
url = "";
version = "0.9.15";
sha256 = "sha256-v64rLGyMQOdStyivpJsKrNxwumVQvyK3CnHtZ+K+elE=";
news = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp {
name = "news";
url = "";
version = "18.2.0";
sha256 = "sha256-eS0cFwJmYfGGJmA02AOWO/OXfqfyI71u2GataDj18DE=";
notes = pkgs.fetchNextcloudApp {
name = "notes";
url = "";
version = "4.5.1";
sha256 = "sha256-rd3uVkVtARX4enRAWm1ivV468lboYZnYe7/zsqaHYpk=";
# TODO(tlater): Add redis config. This will be much easier
# starting with 22.11, since this will add an `extraOptions` where
# the necessary redis config can go.
# Ensure that this service doesn't start before postgres is ready = ["postgresql.service"];
# Set up SSL
services.nginx.virtualHosts."${hostName}" = {
forceSSL = true;
enableACME = true;
# Block repeated failed login attempts
environment.etc = {
"fail2ban/filter.d/nextcloud.conf".text = ''
_groupsre = (?:(?:,?\s*"\w+":(?:"[^"]+"|\w+))*)
failregex = \{%(_groupsre)s,?\s*"remoteAddr":"<HOST>"%(_groupsre)s,?\s*"message":"Login failed:
\{%(_groupsre)s,?\s*"remoteAddr":"<HOST>"%(_groupsre)s,?\s*"message":"Trusted domain error.
datepattern = ,?\s*"time"\s*:\s*"%%Y-%%m-%%d[T ]%%H:%%M:%%S(%%z)?"
journalmatch = SYSLOG_IDENTIFIER=Nextcloud
services.fail2ban.jails = {
nextcloud = ''
enabled = true
# Nextcloud does some throttling already, so we need to set
# these to something bigger.
findtime = 43200
bantime = 86400