#Server side blocks configs [blocks] [blocks.globe] #how many globe trades to give to the wandering trader. This will effectively increase the chance of him having a globe trader. Increase this if you have other mods that add stuff to that trader #Range: 0 ~ 50 chance = 2 #chanche of finding a globe in a shipwreck treasure chest. #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 shipwreck_treasure_chance = 0.25 [blocks.speaker_block] #maximum range #Range: 0 ~ 256 range = 64 [blocks.bellows] #bellows pushes air following this equation: #air=(sin(2PI*ticks/period)<0), with period = base_period-(redstone_power-1)*power_scaling #represents base period at 1 power #Range: 1 ~ 512 base_period = 78 #entities with velocity greated than this won't be pushed #Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 power_scaling = 2.0 #velocity increase uses this equation: #vel = base_vel*((range-entity_distance)/range) with base_vel = base_velocity_scaling/period #note that the block will push further the faster it's pulsing #Range: 0.0 ~ 64.0 base_velocity_scaling = 5.0 #sets velocity changed flag when pushing entities + #causes pushing animation to be smooth client side but also restricts player movement when being pushed velocity_changed_flag = true #note that it will still only keep alive the two fire blocks closer to it #Range: 0 ~ 16 range = 5 [blocks.spring_launcher] #spring launcher launch speed #Range: 0.0 ~ 16.0 velocity = 1.5 #fall distance needed to trigger the automatic spring launch #Range: 0 ~ 512 fall_height_required = 5 [blocks.turn_table] #can rotate entities standing on it? rotate_entities = true #blocks that can't be rotated. Some special ones like chests, beds and pistons are already hardcoded blacklist = ["minecraft:end_portal_frame"] [blocks.jar] #jar liquid capacity: leave at 12 for pixel accuracy #Range: 0 ~ 1024 capacity = 12 #allow right click to instantly eat or drink food or potions inside a jar. #Disable if you think this ability is op. Cookies are excluded drink_from_jar = true [blocks.cage] #allow all entities to be captured by cages and jars. Not meant for survival cage_allow_all_mobs = false #allow all baby mobs to be captured by cages cage_allow_all_babies = false [blocks.notice_board] #allow notice boards to accept and display any item, not just maps and books allow_any_item = false [blocks.sack] #Penalize the player with slowness effect when carrying too many sacks sack_penality = true #maximum number of sacks after which the slowness effect will be applied. each multiple of this number will further slow the player down #Range: 0 ~ 50 sack_increment = 2 #How many slots should a sack have #Range: 1 ~ 27 slots = 9 [blocks.safe] #Makes safes only breakable by their owner or by a player in creative prevent_breaking = false #Make safes simpler so they do not require keys: #they will be bound to the first person that opens one and only that person will be able to interact with them simple_safes = false [blocks.blackboard] #Enable to draw directly on a blackboard using any dye. Gui still only works in black and white colored_blackboard = false [blocks.candle_holder] #Candle holder light level #Range: 1 ~ 15 light_level = 12 [blocks.timber_frame] #Replace a timber frame with wattle and daub block when daub is placed in it replace_daub = true [blocks.hourglass] #Time in ticks for sugar #Range: 0 ~ 10000 sugar_time = 40 #Time in ticks for sand blocks #Range: 0 ~ 10000 sand_time = 70 #Time in ticks for concrete blocks #Range: 0 ~ 10000 concrete_time = 105 #Time in ticks for generic dust #Range: 0 ~ 10000 dust_time = 150 #Time in ticks for glowstone dust #Range: 0 ~ 10000 glowstone_time = 190 #Time in ticks for blaze powder #Range: 0 ~ 10000 blaze_powder_time = 277 #Time in ticks for redstone dust #Range: 0 ~ 10000 redstone_time = 400 #Time in ticks for slime balls #Range: 0 ~ 10000 slime_time = 1750 #Time in ticks for honey #Range: 0 ~ 10000 honey_time = 2000 [blocks.item_shelf] #Makes item shelves climbable climbable_shelves = false [blocks.iron_gate] #Allows two iron gates to be opened simultaneously when on top of the other double_opening = true #Configure spawning conditions [spawns] [spawns.firefly] #Spawnable biomes biomes = ["minecraft:swamp", "minecraft:swamp_hills", "minecraft:plains", "minecraft:sunflower_plains", "minecraft:dark_forest", "minecraft:dark_forest_hills", "byg:bayou", "byg:cypress_swamplands", "byg:glowshroom_bayou", "byg:mangrove_marshes", "byg:vibrant_swamplands", "byg:fresh_water_lake", "byg:grassland_plateau", "byg:wooded_grassland_plateau", "byg:flowering_grove", "byg:guiana_shield", "byg:guiana_clearing", "byg:meadow", "byg:orchard", "byg:seasonal_birch_forest", "byg:seasonal_deciduous_forest", "byg:seasonal_forest", "biomesoplenty:flower_meadow", "biomesoplenty:fir_clearing", "biomesoplenty:grove_lakes", "biomesoplenty:grove", "biomesoplenty:highland_moor", "biomesoplenty:wetland_marsh", "biomesoplenty:deep_bayou", "biomesoplenty:wetland"] #Whitelisted mods. All biomes from said mods will be able to spawn fireflies. Use the one above for more control mod_whitelist = [] #Spawn weight #Set to 0 to disable spawning entirely #Range: 0 ~ 100 weight = 3 #Minimum group size #Range: 0 ~ 64 min = 5 #Maximum group size #Range: 0 ~ 64 max = 9 [spawns.structures] [spawns.structures.way_sign] #Average distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts #Range: 0 ~ 1001 average_distance = 19 #Minimum distance apart in chunks between spawn attempts. 1001 to disable them entirely #Range: 0 ~ 1001 minimum_distance = 10 #With this option road signs will display the distance to the structure that they are pointing to show_distance_text = true #list of structure that a sign can point to. Note that they will only spawn in dimensions where vanilla villages can villages = ["minecraft:village", "repurposed_structures:village_badlands", "repurposed_structures:village_dark_oak", "repurposed_structures:village_birch", "repurposed_structures:village_giant_taiga", "repurposed_structures:village_jungle", "repurposed_structures:village_mountains", "repurposed_structures:village_oak", "repurposed_structures:village_swamp", "pokecube:village", "pokecube_legends:village", "pokecube_legends:village/ocean", "valhelsia_structures:castle", "valhelsia_structures:castle_ruin", "valhelsia_structures:small_castle", "valhelsia_structures:tower_ruin", "stoneholm:underground_village"] #entities parameters [entities] [entities.firefly] #firefly animation period #note that actual period will be this + a random number between 0 and 10 #this needs to be here to allow correct despawning of the entity when it's not glowing #check client configs come more animation settings #Range: 1 ~ 200 period = 65 #firefly flying speed #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 speed = 0.3 #despawn during the day despawn = true #Vanilla tweaks [tweaks] [tweaks.cake_tweaks] #allows you to place a cake ontop of another double_cake = true #replaces normal cake placement with a directional one directional_cake = true [tweaks.hanging_flower_pots] #allows you to place hanging flower pots. Works with any modded pot too enabled = true [tweaks.throwable_bricks] #throw bricks at your foes! Might break glass blocks enabled = true [tweaks.wall_lantern] #allow wall lanterns placement enabled = true #mod ids of mods that have lantern block that extend the base lantern class but don't look like one mod_blacklist = ["extlights", "betterendforge", "tconstruct"] [tweaks.bells_tweaks] #ring a bell by clicking on a chain that's connected to it chain_ringing = true #max chain length that allows a bell to ring #Range: 0 ~ 1024 chain_length = 16 [tweaks.raked_gravel] #allow gravel to be raked with a hoe enabled = true [tweaks.bottle_xp] #Allow bottling up xp by using a bottle on an enchanting table enabled = true #bottling health cost #Range: 0 ~ 20 cost = 2 [tweaks.map_tweaks] #In this section you can add custom structure maps to cartographers #The format required is as follows: #[[,,,,,,],[,...,],...] #With the following parameters: # - structure id to be located (ie: minecraft:igloo) # - villager trading level at which the map will be sold. Must be between 1 and 5 # - minimum emerald price # - maximum emerald price # - map item name # - hex color of the map item overlay texture # - id of the map marker to be used (ie: supplementaries:igloo). #See texture folder for all the names. Leave empty for default ones #Note that ony the first parameter is required, each of the others others can me removed and will be defaulted to reasonable values #example: ['minecraft:swamp_hut','2','5','7','witch hut map','0x00ff33'] custom_adventurer_maps = [[""]] #Cartographers will sell 'adventurer maps' that will lead to a random vanilla structure (choosen from a thought out preset list). #Best kept disabled if you are adding custom adventurer maps with its config random_adventurer_maps = true #enables beacons, lodestones, respawn anchors, beds, conduits, portals to be displayed on maps by clicking one of them with a map block_map_markers = true [tweaks.ceiling_banners] #Allow banners to be placed on ceilings enabled = true [tweaks.zombie_horse] #Feed a stack of rotten flesh to a skeleton horse to buff him up to a zombie horse zombie_horse_conversion = true #Amount of rotten flesh needed #Range: 1 ~ 1000 rotten_flesh = 64 [items] [items.rope_arrow] #If you really don't like my ropes you can specify here the block id ofa rope from another mod which will get deployed by rope arrows instead of mine rope_arrow_override = "supplementaries:rope" [items.flute] #radius in which an unbound flute will search pets #Range: 0 ~ 500 unbound_radius = 64 #max distance at which a bound flute will allow a pet to teleport #Range: 0 ~ 500 bound_distance = 64