#Enables logging the too large packets causing disconnects. , default = true displayTooLargePackets = true ["Load balancing settings"] ["Load balancing settings"."Tile entities load balancing settings"] #Requires TELoadBalancing = true. Enables dealing with lag caused by tile entities during chunk unload. This is normally not needed. default = false TEUnloadLag = false #Enables Tile entity load balancing. default: true TELoadBalancing = true #Mean tick time at which load balancing takes effect, 1000 / mean tick time = TPS. default: 55 #Range: 1 ~ 200 meanTickTH = 55 #Enables debug log output for lagging tile entities, default = false TEDebugOutput = false ["Load balancing settings"."Event load balancing settings"] #Mean tick time at which event load balancing takes effect, 1000 / mean tick time = TPS. default: 55 #Range: 1 ~ 200 meanTickEvent = 60 #Enables debug log output for lagging event subscribers, default = false eventDebugOutput = true #Enables event load balancing, this is mostly stuff which is happening outside entityAI/Tile entities on world ticks. default: false eventLoadBalancing = false # Load balancing is a mechanic which profiles and throttles down lagging entities, tileentities and event subscribers. # It is used to prevent a certain laggy mob or block from lagging out the whole game. Since this is rather invasive and may cause the lagging # entity/block to not work nicely it is only done once the game goes over the configured lagging threshold. # Those thresholds as set in miliseconds, anything below 50ms is 20 TPS (1s = 1000ms, 1000 / 50 = 20). # Above 50ms ticks is where your game starts to lag, as it hits 100% cpu and starts skipping ticks. # This is where load balancing comes in and reduces the lag caused by specific entities and blocks. # If you run into trouble with some of the entities or blocks not working correctly you can disable it here # ["Load balancing settings"."Entity AI Load balancing settings"] #Mean tick time at which AI load balancing takes effect, 1000 / mean tick time = TPS. default: 55 #Range: 1 ~ 200 meanTickAITH = 55 #Enables load balancing for entity AI. default = true AILoadBalancing = true #Whether to debug lagging entities and log offenders, requires load balancing to be enabled. default = true logEntityAILag = true ["Entity settings"] #Entity spawn interval setting, determines how frequently entities are spawned overall. 1 = Vanilla default, default = 10 #Range: 1 ~ 1000 spawnInterval = 10 #List of entities excluded from beeing affected by dynamic entity updates: e.g. format : ["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:creeper"] excludedTickDistanceMobs = [] #Fix leash lag from entities on a leash, default = true fixLeash = true #Enable multithreading support for entities, requires fastCollisions to be enabled. default = true multiEntities = true #Disables block changes notifying all entity paths in the world, to possibly adjust their paths, disable with IE, incompat, default = true disableNotifyOnBlockChange = true #Slower updating of armor stands, default = true slowArmorStands = true #Enables improved entity collision and movement calculations for any non item entity, default = true fastCollisions = true #Enables less laggy entity item pickup, default = true noLagItemPickup = true #Enables dynamic update distance, it will reduces entity updates when far away from the player, respecting the entities own update range. default = true. Requires restart enableDynamicEntityUpdates = true #Enables fast itemstack comparisons fastItemCompare = true #Entity density setting, determines how many entities are spawned overall. 1 = Vanilla default, 0.1 e.g 10x less than vanilla. 10 = 10x more than vanilla, default = 1 #Range: 0.01 ~ 100.0 entityDensity = 1.0 #Enables dynamic entity rendering, stops non-visible entities from beeing rendered but can sometimes cause a slight phasing-in delay. Usually a large boost to fps, default = true. Require restart enableDynamicEntityRendering = true #Enable fast inventory advancement triggers, many advancements based on items tend to lag the players, default = true fastInventoryAdvancement = true #Adapt entity speed to tps, makes entities struggle less with lag. default = true adaptiveSpeed = true #Entity dynamic update distance setting, reduces the entities own update range from players at which entities get slowed down, in chunks(16blocks). The higher you set this, the closer to the player entities will get slower updates. Default = 0 #Range: 0 ~ 1000 entityUpdateDistanceReduction = 0 #Enable faster pathfinding, default = true fastPathFinding = true ["Entity AI Settings"] #Sets the tick interval in which non-running AI tasks are rechecked. Vanilla default is 1(starting with 1.13+), this mods suggested default is 4(as it was in vanilla 1.12) #Range: 1 ~ 500 goalselectorrate = 4 #Enables a slower updated AI Fox find shelter goal, which causes too much load. default = true slowFindShelter = true #Enables a slower updated AI Panic entity goal, panic is used for chickens/other animals running away e.g. on fire. default = true optimizePanic = true #Enables a slower updated AI Breed entity goal, breed is used for searching nearby similar animals and doesnt have to be checked that often. default = true optimizeBreed = true #Enables a slower updated AI tempt goal, tempt is used e.g. for luring sheep with wheat. default = true optimizeTempt = true #Enables a slower updated AI avoid entity goal, avoid is used e.g. for villagers avoiding zombies so it constantly searches for mobs in the area. default = true optimizeAvoid = true #Fix chunkloading and lag caused by the block break goal, mostly used by zombies or endermen. default = true fixBlockBreakGoal = true ["General performance improvements settings"] #If true hoppers are causing less lag fasterHoppers = true #Reduces crafting lag by caching recipe lookups, helps a lot with autocrafting/crafting related lag. default = true cacheRecipes = true #Enable fast spawn radius check, this makes entity spawn mechanics lag less. default = true fastSpawnRadius = true #Set how many scheduled blocks are updated each tick, scheduled block updates are for example fluid flowing. default = 1000, vanilla default = 65536 #Range: 1 ~ 65536 blockTicks = 3000 #Enable fast chunk save, unmodified chunks are saved a lot faster and cause less lag when saving to disk. default = true fastChunkSave = true #Enable FPS improvements, default = true betterFps = true #Enable fast chunk block ticks, reduces lag on random block ticks in the world but keeps the same growth e.g. on crops. default = true fastChunkBlocks = true ["Utility settings, debugging and other"] #Set the max login timeout during connection in ticks. 20 ticks = 1 sec, default = 120 seconds #Range: 600 ~ 20000 logintimeout = 2400 #Set the amount of items at which too many stacked items report their position. Default = 100 items #Range: 2 ~ 1000 maxItems = 100 #Enable various debugging error logs, like chunkloading etc. , default = false debugOptionsEnabled = false #Disables the config reload during the game, can cause performance issues on some linux systems, default = false disableConfigReload = false #Enable printing of world/chunk saves for debugging purposes, those normally happen every 5minutes. default = false printWorldSaves = false #Set the watchdog timeout for the integrated server in miliseconds, -1 Disables it. 1 second = 1000 miliseconds, default = 180000 #Range: -1 ~ 500000 singlePlayerWatchDogTimeout = 180000 #Set the ingame disconnect timeout for disconnecting players. Default = 60sec #Range: 15 ~ 400 disconnectTimeout = 60 #Set the maximum allowed amount of same sounds playing at the same time. Lowers e.g. lag of flowing water and other cases where a sound is repeated a lot at once. Default = 10 #Range: 1 ~ 4000 maxSameSounds = 10 #List of mobs disallowed from spawning: e.g. format : ["minecraft:zombie", "minecraft:creeper"] forbiddenMobs = []