{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (builtins) attrNames concatStringsSep; inherit (lib) stringAfter; inherit (lib.attrsets) filterAttrs mapAttrsToList; inherit (pkgs) openssl writeText; domain = "grafana.${config.services.nginx.domain}"; keydir = "/run/tempsecrets.d"; certdir = "/run/tempcerts.d"; nonTlsExporters = filterAttrs (_: exporter: exporter.enable && exporter.extraFlags == [ ]) config.services.prometheus.exporters; tlsExporters = filterAttrs (_: exporter: exporter.enable && exporter.extraFlags != [ ]) config.services.prometheus.exporters; in { services.grafana = { inherit domain; enable = true; port = 3003; security = { adminUser = "tlater"; adminPasswordFile = "/run/secrets/grafana-admin-pass"; }; extraOptions = { # All services grafana is allowed to source from SECURITY_DATA_SOURCE_PROXY_WHITELIST = "localhost:4000"; # We want this to always go through the nixos config SECURITY_DISABLE_INITIAL_ADMIN_CREATION = "true"; # Our nginx host only forwards this through https, so we can use # cookie_secure SECURITY_COOKIE_SECURE = "true"; # These security settings aren't set by default yet, but # probably will be in the future SECURITY_COOKIE_SAMESITE = "true"; SECURITY_X_XSS_PROTECTION = "true"; }; provision = { enable = true; datasources = [{ name = "Prometheus"; type = "prometheus"; url = "https://localhost:4000"; jsonData = { tlsAuth = true; tlsAuthWithCACert = true; }; # Currently, Grafana doesn't support specifying key/cert from # a file, which makes this very tricky to automate. # # We'd need to set jsonSecureData, which would be # world-readable, and completely break authentication. # # See this discussion: # https://github.com/grafana/grafana/discussions/44296 # # For now, hand-add key/cert every time the server restarts, # if this becomes more permanent, maybe write a script that # updates the key via API? editable = true; }]; }; }; services.prometheus = let # See https://github.com/prometheus/exporter-toolkit/blob/master/docs/web-configuration.md#web-configuration makeTlsConfig = client: server: writeText "web.yml" '' tls_server_config: key_file: ${keydir}/${server}.pem cert_file: ${certdir}/${server}.pem client_auth_type: RequireAndVerifyClientCert client_ca_file: ${certdir}/${client}.pem ''; in { enable = true; port = 4000; extraFlags = [ "--web.config.file=${makeTlsConfig "grafana" "prometheus"}" ]; # From the documentation: # # > When credentials are stored in external files (password_file, # > bearer_token_file, etc), they will not be visible to promtool # > and it will report errors, despite a correct configuration. checkConfig = false; exporters = { node = { enable = true; enabledCollectors = [ "systemd" ]; port = 4001; extraFlags = [ "--web.config=${makeTlsConfig "prometheus" "node-exporter"}" ]; }; nginxlog = { enable = true; group = "nginxlog"; port = 4002; # Note: No way to enable TLS/auth here settings.namespaces = [{ name = "nginx"; format = concatStringsSep " " [ "$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local]" ''"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent'' ''"$http_referrer" "$http_user_agent"'' "$upstream_response_time $request_length $request_time" ]; source.files = [ "/var/log/nginx/access.log" ]; }]; }; }; scrapeConfigs = (mapAttrsToList (name: exporter: { job_name = name; scheme = "https"; tls_config = { ca_file = "${certdir}/${name}-exporter.pem"; cert_file = "${certdir}/prometheus.pem"; key_file = "${keydir}/prometheus.pem"; server_name = "localhost"; }; static_configs = [{ targets = [ "${toString exporter.port}" ]; }]; }) tlsExporters) ++ mapAttrsToList (name: exporter: { job_name = name; scheme = "http"; static_configs = [{ targets = [ "${toString exporter.port}" ]; }]; }) nonTlsExporters; }; system.activationScripts = { # This will seem a bit strange, and it probably *is*; The # keys/certs here are only used for the various prometheus/grafana # services to authenticate against each other. # # Since they aren't used to actually encrypt anything but # communication that happens once, it's not necessary to keep the # keys around. They're only used internally, and frequently # switching them doesn't cause any issues. In fact, a single-use # key protocol would probably be more secure. # # Sadly, neither of these services support anything more usable # than https, so we need to generate keys. We opt to regenerate # them at each system activation. # # CN=localhost is not really a risk here - this only matters if an # attacker can spoof a service on the correct port somehow, in # which case they either have root or full access to that server's # user anyway. Since we use TLS auth, no secrets would be leaked, # so in the worst case this exploit would enable an attacker to # DoS that specific data source... Which they could do by taking # over the service already anyway. setupMonitoringAuth = let opensslBin = "${openssl}/bin/openssl"; services = [ "grafana" "prometheus" ] ++ (map (name: "${name}-exporter") (attrNames tlsExporters)); in stringAfter ([ "specialfs" "users" "groups" ]) ('' [ -e /run/current-system ] || echo setting up monitoring secrets... specialMount ramfs '${keydir}' nodev,nosuid,mode=0751 ramfs specialMount ramfs '${certdir}' nodev,nosuid,mode=0751 ramfs '' + concatStringsSep "\n" (map (service: '' ${opensslBin} req -batch -x509 -newkey ed25519 -nodes \ -subj '/CN=localhost' \ -addext "subjectAltName = DNS:localhost" \ -keyout '${keydir}/${service}.pem' \ -out '${certdir}/${service}.pem' chown ${service}:${service} '${keydir}/${service}.pem' chmod u=r '${keydir}/${service}.pem' chmod =r '${certdir}/${service}.pem' '') services)); }; }