  inherit (lib) types optional singleton;
  mkShutdownScript =
    pkgs.writeShellScript "backup-${service}-shutdown" ''
      if systemctl is-active --quiet '${service}'; then
        touch '/tmp/${service}-was-active'
        systemctl stop '${service}'
  mkRestartScript =
    pkgs.writeShellScript "backup-${service}-restart" ''
      if [ -f '/tmp/${service}-was-active' ]; then
        rm '/tmp/${service}-was-active'
        systemctl start '${service}'
  writeScript =
    name: packages: text:
    lib.getExe (
      pkgs.writeShellApplication {
        inherit name text;
        runtimeInputs = packages;

  # *NOT* a TOML file, for some reason quotes are interpreted
  # *literally
  rcloneConfig = pkgs.writeText "rclone.conf" ''
    type = sftp
    user = u395933
    host = u395933.your-storagebox.de
    port = 23
    key_file = ${config.sops.secrets."restic/storagebox-ssh-key".path}
    shell_type = unix

  resticEnv = {
    RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE = config.sops.secrets."restic/storagebox-backups".path;
    RESTIC_REPOSITORY = "rclone:storagebox:backups";
    RCLONE_CONFIG = rcloneConfig;
  options = {
    services.backups = lib.mkOption {
      description = lib.mdDoc ''
        Configure restic backups with a specific tag.
      type = types.attrsOf (
        types.submodule (
          { config, name, ... }:
            options = {
              user = lib.mkOption {
                type = types.str;
                description = ''
                  The user as which to run the backup.
              paths = lib.mkOption {
                type = types.listOf types.str;
                description = ''
                  The paths to back up.
              tag = lib.mkOption {
                type = types.str;
                description = ''
                  The restic tag to mark the backup with.
                default = name;
              preparation = {
                packages = lib.mkOption {
                  type = types.listOf types.package;
                  default = [ ];
                  description = ''
                    The list of packages to make available in the
                    preparation script.
                text = lib.mkOption {
                  type = types.nullOr types.str;
                  default = null;
                  description = ''
                    The preparation script to run before the backup.

                    This should include things like database dumps and
                    enabling maintenance modes. If a service needs to be
                    shut down for backups, use `pauseServices` instead.
              cleanup = {
                packages = lib.mkOption {
                  type = types.listOf types.package;
                  default = [ ];
                  description = ''
                    The list of packages to make available in the
                    cleanup script.
                text = lib.mkOption {
                  type = types.nullOr types.str;
                  default = null;
                  description = ''
                    The cleanup script to run after the backup.

                    This should do things like cleaning up database dumps
                    and disabling maintenance modes.
              pauseServices = lib.mkOption {
                type = types.listOf types.str;
                default = [ ];
                description = ''
                  The systemd services that need to be shut down before
                  the backup can run. Services will be restarted after the
                  backup is complete.

                  This is intended to be used for services that do not
                  support hot backups.

  config = lib.mkIf (config.services.backups != { }) {
    systemd.services =
        restic-prune = {
          # Doesn't hurt to finish the ongoing prune
          restartIfChanged = false;

          environment = resticEnv;

          path = with pkgs; [

          script = ''
            # TODO(tlater): In an append-only setup, we should be
            # careful with this; an attacker could delete backups by
            # simply appending ad infinitum:
            # https://restic.readthedocs.io/en/stable/060_forget.html#security-considerations-in-append-only-mode
            restic forget --keep-last 3 --prune
            restic check

          serviceConfig = {
            DynamicUser = true;
            Group = "backup";

            CacheDirectory = "restic-prune";
            CacheDirectoryMode = "0700";
      // lib.mapAttrs' (
        name: backup:
        lib.nameValuePair "backup-${name}" {
          # Don't want to restart mid-backup
          restartIfChanged = false;

          environment = resticEnv // {
            RESTIC_CACHE_DIR = "%C/backup-${name}";

          path = with pkgs; [

          # TODO(tlater): If I ever add more than one repo, service
          # shutdown/restarting will potentially break if multiple
          # backups for the same service overlap. A more clever
          # sentinel file with reference counts would probably solve
          # this.
          serviceConfig = {
            User = backup.user;
            Group = "backup";
            RuntimeDirectory = "backup-${name}";
            CacheDirectory = "backup-${name}";
            CacheDirectoryMode = "0700";
            PrivateTmp = true;

            ExecStart = [
              (lib.concatStringsSep " " (
                ++ backup.paths

            ExecStartPre =
              map (service: "+${mkShutdownScript service}") backup.pauseServices
              ++ singleton (
                writeScript "backup-${name}-repo-init" [ ] ''
                  restic snapshots || restic init
              ++ optional (backup.preparation.text != null) (
                writeScript "backup-${name}-prepare" backup.preparation.packages backup.preparation.text

            # TODO(tlater): Add repo pruning/checking
            ExecStopPost =
              map (service: "+${mkRestartScript service}") backup.pauseServices
              ++ optional (backup.cleanup.text != null) (
                writeScript "backup-${name}-cleanup" backup.cleanup.packages backup.cleanup.text
      ) config.services.backups;

    systemd.timers =
        restic-prune = {
          wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
          timerConfig.OnCalendar = "Thursday 03:00:00 UTC";
          # Don't make this persistent, in case the server was offline
          # for a while. This job cannot run at the same time as any
          # of the backup jobs.
      // lib.mapAttrs' (
        name: backup:
        lib.nameValuePair "backup-${name}" {
          wantedBy = [ "timers.target" ];
          timerConfig = {
            OnCalendar = "Wednesday 02:30:00 UTC";
            RandomizedDelaySec = "1h";
            FixedRandomDelay = true;
            Persistent = true;
      ) config.services.backups;

    users = {
      # This user is only used to own the ssh key, because apparently
      # the ssh client checks file permissions and is stuck in 1980.
      users.backup = {
        group = "backup";
        isSystemUser = true;
      groups.backup = { };