[towers] #A list of biomes where the towers will not spawn. Default: Rivers, Beaches biomeBlackList = ["minecraft:river", "minecraft:frozen_river", "minecraft:beach", "minecraft:stone_shore", "minecraft:snowy_beach", "biomesoplenty:gravel_beach", "biomesoplenty:white_beach"] #Make towers spawn in the ocean. Default: true spawnOceanTowers = true #If the Waytones mod is installed and this is set to true, towers will spawn with a waystone at the top. If the Waystone mod is not installed, this will have no effect. Default: true waystonesCompat = true #A list of mod ids. In each and every biome added by those mods, the towers will not spawn. Default : The Midnight. allModBiomesBlackList = ["midnight", "the_bumblezone"] #How rarely the towers will spawn (low: common, high: rare). Default: 20 #Range: 3 ~ 200 towerRarity = 20 #How rarely the derelict towers will spawn (low: common, high: rare). Default: 72 #Range: 3 ~ 200 derelictTowerRarity = 72 #How rarely the ocean towers will spawn (low: common, high: rare). Default: 32 #Range: 3 ~ 200 oceanTowerRarity = 32