#Biome config #To filter biomes by registry name "mod_id:biome_id" #To filter biomes by category "@category" #To filter biomes by tags "#tag" # Examples: # "minecraft:plains" # "@desert" # "#overworld" # #If you want to exclude biomes put a ! before the biome identifier # Examples: # "!minecraft:plains" # "!@desert" # "!#nether" # #If you want to include biomes that would be satisfied by any in a set use | # Examples: # "|minecraft:plains" # "|@desert" # "|#nether" # #If you want a condition that MUST be satisfied use an & before the biome identifier #Please note using this on a registry name wouldn't be that useful # Examples: # "&minecraft:plains" # "&@forest" # "&#overworld" # #NOTE: Any entry without a !, |, or & symbol has a higher precedence #A list like ["!minecraft:plains", "#overworld"] would still see the plains as a viable biome # #Finally, you can create a expression that can be evaluated by itself using a + to combine identifiers # Examples: # "!#hot+!#dry+!#mountain" # #These expressions can be used to filter biomes in a lot of ways #Lets say we don't want anything to spawn in any place dry and sandy # "!#dry+!#sandy" # #But there is a hot place we want them to spawn that's also wet # "#hot+#wet" # #We just put them as separate values in the list and that'll work out # ["!#dry+!#sandy","#hot+#wet"] # #NOTE: Any entry that's an expression will not be affected by anything else in the list [biome_configs] deathwormBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@desert"] lightningDragonBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#jungle+|#mesa+|#savanna+"] cockatriceBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@savanna+|#savanna"] blackHippogryphBiomes = ["minecraft:desert_hills"] lightningLilyBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@savanna+|#savanna"] sirenBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@ocean+|#ocean"] amphithereBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#jungle"] fireDragonSkeletonBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@desert"] brownHippogryphBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#mountains+|@extreme_hills"] amethystBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@savanna+|#savanna"] hippocampusBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@ocean+|#ocean"] snowyTrollBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#snowy+|#cold"] hippogryphBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#mesa+|#mountains+|#hills+|@extreme_hills"] iceDragonSkeletonBiomes = ["&#overworld+&#snowy+|@icy+|#cold+"] jungleMyrmexBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#jungle"] mausoleumBiomes = ["&#overworld+&#snowy+|@icy+|#cold+"] sapphireBiomes = ["&#overworld+&#snowy+|@icy+|#cold+"] mountainTrollBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#mountains+|@extreme_hills"] iceLilyBiomes = ["&#overworld+&#snowy+|@icy+|#cold+"] chestnutHippogryphBiomes = ["minecraft:wooded_mountains"] pixieBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#rare+|#magical+|#dense+&#forest+!@taiga+!#hills+!#mountain+!#wet+!#hot+!#cold+!#dry"] creamyHippogryphBiomes = ["minecraft:savanna_plateau"] overworldSpawnBiomes = ["|#overworld"] forestTrollBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@forest+|#forest"] grayHippogryphBiomes = ["minecraft:dark_forest_hills"] seaSerpentBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@ocean+|#ocean"] cyclopsCaveBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@beach+|#beach"] stymphalianBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@swamp+|#swamp+"] gorgonTempleBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@beach+|#beach"] hydraBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@swamp+|#swamp+"] whiteHippogryphBiomes = ["minecraft:snowy_mountains", "minecraft:snowy_taiga_mountains", "minecraft:snowy_taiga_hills"] fireLilyBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#hot+"] graveyardBiomes = ["&#overworld+!@ocean+!#ocean+!@beach+!#beach"] oreGenBiomes = ["|#overworld"] iceDragonBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@icy+|#snowy+|#cold+"] darkBrownHippogryphBiomes = ["minecraft:taiga_mountains", "minecraft:taiga_hills"] wanderingCyclopsBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@plains+|#plains"] desertMyrmexBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@desert"] lightningDragonSkeletonBiomes = ["&#overworld+|@savanna+|#savanna"] fireDragonBiomes = ["&#overworld+|#hot+|#plains+!#wet+!#cold+!#forest+!#jungle+!#mesa+!#savanna"]