[general] #Whether polar bears should target seal mobs. polarBearsAttackSeals = true #Whether bone serpents are neutral or hostile. neutralBoneSerpents = false #Whether Crimson Mosquitoes can transform into Warped Moscos if attacking a Mungus or any listed creature. warpedMoscoTransformation = true #Whether wild raccoons steal food from chests. raccoonStealFromChests = true #Whether mimicream can be used to duplicate items. mimicreamRepair = true #Whether acacia blossoms should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_acacia_blossoms acaciaBlossomsDropFromLeaves = true #Whether lava can be bottled with a right click of a glass bottle. lavaBottleEnabled = true #Maximum world y-level that blobfish can spawn at #Range: 0 ~ 256 blobfishSpawnHeight = 38 #Whether guster spawns are limited to when it is raining/thundering. limitGusterSpawnsToWeather = true #Whether all players should get an Animal Dictionary when joining the world for the first time. giveBookOnStartup = true #Maximum world y-level that cave centipedes can spawn at #Range: 0 ~ 256 caveCentipedeSpawnHeight = 30 #Blacklist for items that mimicream cannot make a copy of. Ex: "minecraft:stone_sword", "alexsmobs:blood_sprayer" mimicreamBlacklist = ["alexsmobs:blood_sprayer", "alexsmobs:hemolymph_blaster"] #0 = no mungus biome transformation. 1 = mungus changes blocks, but not chunk's biome. 2 = mungus transforms blocks and biome of chunk. #Range: 0 ~ 2 mungusBiomeTransformationType = 2 #List of all mungus mushrooms, biome transformations and surface blocks. Each is seperated by a |. Add an entry with a block registry name, biome registry name, and block registry name(for the ground). mungusBiomeMatches = ["minecraft:red_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:brown_mushroom|minecraft:mushroom_fields|minecraft:mycelium", "minecraft:crimson_fungus|minecraft:crimson_forest|minecraft:crimson_nylium", "minecraft:warped_fungus|minecraft:warped_forest|minecraft:warped_nylium"] #Whether to disable certain aspects of the Lava Vision Potion. Enable if issues with shaders persist. shadersCompat = false #List of extra(non mungus) mobs that will trigger a crimson mosquito to become a warped mosquito. Ex: "minecraft:mooshroom", "alexsmobs:warped_toad" warpedMoscoMobTriggers = [""] #1 out of this number chance for leaves to drop a banana when broken. Fortune is automatically factored in #Range: > 0 bananaChance = 200 #Whether soul vulture spawns should be restricted solely to the nether fossil structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config. soulVultureSpawnOnFossil = true #Whether fish oil gives players a special levitation effect. fishOilMeme = true #Whether mimicubes spawns should be restricted solely to the end city structure or to whatever biome is specified in their respective biome config. mimicubeSpawnInEndCity = true #Whether bananas should drop from blocks tagged with #alexsmobs:drops_bananas bananasDropFromLeaves = true #Lava Opacity for the Lava Vision Potion. #Range: 0.01 ~ 1.0 lavaVisionOpacity = 0.65 #Whether spiders should target fly mobs. spidersAttackFlies = true #Whether wolves should target moose mobs. wolvesAttackMoose = true #Whether wandering traders offer items like acacia blossoms, mosquito larva, crocodile egg, etc. wanderingTraderOffers = true [general.spawning] #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 boneSerpentSpawnWeight = 8 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnRolls = 1 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 straddlerSpawnWeight = 85 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 hummingbirdSpawnWeight = 39 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 stradpoleSpawnRolls = 3 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 mantisShrimpSpawnWeight = 15 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 roadrunnerSpawnRolls = 1 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 lobsterSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 gusterSpawnWeight = 35 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 endergradeSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 elephantSpawnWeight = 30 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 spectreSpawnWeight = 10 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 endergradeSpawnWeight = 10 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 hammerheadSharkSpawnWeight = 8 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 sealSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 sunbirdSpawnRolls = 15 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 straddlerSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 shoebillSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 gazelleSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 sunbirdSpawnWeight = 2 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 raccoonSpawnWeight = 10 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 mantisShrimpSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 mungusSpawnWeight = 4 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 mungusSpawnRolls = 1 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 crocSpawnRolls = 1 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 mimicubeSpawnWeight = 40 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 blobfishSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 stradpoleSpawnWeight = 10 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 mooseSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 spectreSpawnRolls = 5 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 caveCentipedeSpawnRolls = 1 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 crowSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 grizzlyBearSpawnWeight = 8 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 blobfishSpawnWeight = 30 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 elephantSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 raccoonSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 caveCentipedeSpawnWeight = 8 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 shoebillSpawnWeight = 10 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 warpedToadSpawnWeight = 80 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 crowSpawnWeight = 10 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 sealSpawnWeight = 30 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 komodoDragonSpawnWeight = 4 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 flySpawnWeight = 3 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 snowLeopardSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 rattlesnakeSpawnWeight = 12 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 soulVultureSpawnWeight = 30 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 mooseSpawnWeight = 15 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 warpedMoscoSpawnRolls = 1000 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 komodoDragonSpawnRolls = 1 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 crocodileSpawnWeight = 40 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 soulVultureSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 gusterSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 orcaSpawnRolls = 6 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 capuchinMonkeySpawnWeight = 55 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 alligatorSnappingTurtleSpawnWeight = 20 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 boneSeprentSpawnRolls = 40 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 mimicubeSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 cockroachSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn. NOTE: By default the warped mosco doesn't spawn in any biomes. #Range: 0 ~ 1000 warpedMoscoSpawnWeight = 1 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 cockroachSpawnWeight = 4 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 gazelleSpawnWeight = 40 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 rattlesnakeSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 gorillaSpawnWeight = 50 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 roadrunnerSpawnWeight = 15 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 flySpawnRolls = 1 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 lobsterSpawnWeight = 7 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 capuchinMonkeySpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 warpedToadSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 gorillaSpawnRolls = 0 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 snowLeopardSpawnWeight = 20 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 orcaSpawnWeight = 2 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 hummingbirdSpawnRolls = 1 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 grizzlyBearSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 crimsonMosquitoSpawnRolls = 0 #Random roll chance to enable mob spawning. Higher number = lower chance of spawning #Range: > 0 hammerheadSharkSpawnRolls = 1 #Spawn Weight, added to a pool of other mobs for each biome. Higher number = higher chance of spawning. 0 = disable spawn #Range: 0 ~ 1000 crimsonMosquitoSpawnWeight = 15