# Province article scraping A couple of scripts to scrape article text from various provinces for a text analysis university course. We need: [Qinghai](https://wsjkw.qinghai.gov.cn/zwgk/xxgkml/index.html) : page 14-75 [Ningxia](http://wsjkw.nx.gov.cn/xwzx_279/tzgg/index.html) : page 11-42 (actually 8-44?) [Shanxi](http://sxwjw.shaanxi.gov.cn/zfxxgk/fdzdgknr/zcwj/xzgfxwj/index.html) : page 2-18 [Xinjiang](http://wjw.xinjiang.gov.cn/hfpc/zcwj4/zfxxgk_gknrz_10.shtml) : page 10-20 The websites all have subtle differences, so there's simply a folder + scripts for each (the scripts are simple enough that there's no need for deduplication or anything complex). Written in python/js where necessary for educational purposes.