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\starttitle[title={Tristan Maat}]
\startsubject[title={Relevant Experience}]
\starttimeentry{June 2017 - Today} Software Engineer/Consultant at Codethink Ltd.\par
\item Test456
\starttimeentry{2014 - 2019} The University of Manchester\par
Computer Science with Industrial experience, MEng (Hons), First Class
\item Various courses, particular interest in OS-level software
and cyber security
\item Participated in a mentorship programme for junior students
\item Participated in, and won, a number of Hackathons and CTF events
\starttimeentry{2010 - 2014} Meinhardinum Stams\par
Austrian Matura, completed with "ausgezeichnetem Erfolg"
\startsubject[title={Other Experience}]
\starttimeentry{Summer 2016} Created a digital art exhibition for The University of Manchester
\starttimeentry{Summer 2014} Created web scraping scripts for zadego GmbH
\startsubject[title={Relevant Skills}]
\item Build and integration tooling
\item Nix, BuildStream, Bazel
\item Also used Buildbarn and Engflow for remote execution/caching
\item Various language-specific build tooling (e.g. cargo, setuptools, npm)
\item Container and devops-related tooling
\item OCI container tooling (including docker registries)
\item LXC, flatpak
\item Used AWS, Azure and GCP for individual services (not multi-service
\item Programming languages
\item Very frequently used: Python, Rust, JavaScript/TypeScript, Shell (bash/zsh/POSIX), Nix
\item Used on occasion: C, C++, Java, Lisp, Haskell, PHP, Lua
\item Git (capable of complex rebases, opinionated on branching strategies)
\item Other software development tooling (e.g. GitHub actions, Jira, \textellipsis)
\startsubject[title={Other Skills}]
\item Typesetting and graphing tools (*TeX, gnuplot, pyplot)
\item Languages
\item Fluent: Afrikaans, Dutch, English, German
\item Beginner: Italian
\item Conference Talks
\item Mentoring
\item Tech-level sprint management
\startsubject[title={Hobbies and Interests}]
References available on request