\mainlanguage[en] \environment[CV_env] \starttext \starttitle[title={Tristan Maat}] \startalignment[center] 2 Bexley Square, M3 6GP Salford, United Kingdom \goto{+43 676 734 8550}[url(tel:+43-676-734-8550)], \goto{tm@tlater.net}[url(mailto:tm@tlater.net)], \goto{tlater.net}[url(tlater.net)], \goto{github.com/TLATER}[url(https://github.com/tlater)], \goto{discourse.nixos.org/u/tlater}[url(https://discourse.nixos.org/u/tlater)], \goto{linkedin.com/in/tlater}[url(https://linkedin.com/in/tlater)] \stopalignment \stoptitle \startsubject[title={Relevant Experience}] \starttimeentry{June 2017--Today} Software Engineer/Consultant at Codethink Ltd.\par \startitemize \item Test456 \stopitemize \stoptimeentry \stopsubject \startsubject[title={Education}] \starttimeentry{2014--2019} The University of Manchester\par Computer Science with Industrial experience, MEng (Hons), First Class \startitemize \item Various courses, particular interest in OS-level software and cyber security \item Participated in a mentorship programme for junior students \item Participated in, and won, a number of Hackathons and CTF events \stopitemize \stoptimeentry \starttimeentry{2010--2014} Meinhardinum Stams\par Austrian Matura, completed with "ausgezeichnetem Erfolg" \stoptimeentry \stopsubject \startsubject[title={Other Experience}] \starttimeentry{Summer 2016} Created a digital art exhibition for The University of Manchester \stoptimeentry \starttimeentry{Summer 2014} Created web scraping scripts for zadego GmbH \stoptimeentry \stopsubject \startsubject[title={Relevant Skills}] \startitemize \item Build and integration tooling \startitemize \item Nix, BuildStream, Bazel \startitemize[1] \item Also used Buildbarn and Engflow for remote execution/caching \stopitemize \item Various language-specific build tooling (e.g. cargo, setuptools, npm) \stopitemize \item Container and devops-related tooling \startitemize \item OCI container tooling (including docker registries) \item LXC, flatpak \item Used AWS, Azure and GCP for individual services (not multi-service deployments) \stopitemize \item Programming languages \startitemize \item Very frequently used: Python, Rust, JavaScript/TypeScript, *sh, Nix \item Used on occasion: C, C++, Java, Lisp, Haskell, PHP, Lua \stopitemize \item Git (capable of complex rebases, opinionated on branching strategies) \item Other software development tooling (e.g. GitHub actions, Jira, \textellipsis) \stopitemize \stopsubject \startsubject[title={Other Skills}] \startitemize \item Typesetting and graphing tools (*\TeX, gnuplot, pyplot) \item Languages \startitemize \item Fluent: Afrikaans, Dutch, English, German \item Beginner: Italian \stopitemize \item Conference Talks \item Mentoring \item Tech-level sprint management \stopitemize \stopsubject \stopsubject \startsubject[title={Hobbies and Interests}] \startitemize \item Nix \startitemize \item Manage personal infrastructure with NixOS \item Frequently respond to questions on the NixOS discourse \stopitemize \item Web development (deterred by existing tooling in the discipline) \item Tabletop role-playing \item Badminton \stopitemize \stopsubject \startalignment[center] References available on request \stopalignment \stoptext