day13: Complete puzzles

Tristan Daniël Maat 2021-12-14 22:12:44 +00:00
parent 2c6611a020
commit 9abc63b97f
Signed by: tlater
GPG Key ID: 49670FD774E43268
3 changed files with 1153 additions and 0 deletions

13/Parsing.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
module Parsing (
) where
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
splitByString :: String -> String -> [String]
splitByString _ "" = []
splitByString splitter string =
let (chunk, rest) = spanNextSplit string
chunk:(splitByString splitter rest)
spanNextSplit :: String -> (String, String)
spanNextSplit [] = ([], [])
spanNextSplit everything@(char:rest)
| splitter `isPrefixOf` rest =
([char], (drop ((length splitter) + 1) everything))
| otherwise =
(start, end) = spanNextSplit rest
(char:start, end)
parseCoordinates :: String -> [(Int, Int)]
parseCoordinates =
map (tuplify . map read . splitByString ",") . lines
tuplify :: [a] -> (a, a)
tuplify [a, b] = (a, b)
tuplify _ = error "Can't parse coordinates from non-2-sized lists"

13/input.txt Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

13/paperfolder.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import Data.List (foldl', nub)
import Parsing (parseCoordinates, splitByString)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- getContents
instructions = parseInstructions input
(putStrLn . show . solution1) instructions
(putStr . solution2) instructions
solution1 :: ([(Int, Int)], [(Int, Int)]) -> Int
solution1 (paper, folds) = (length . nub) (foldPaper paper (folds !! 0))
solution2 :: ([(Int, Int)], [(Int, Int)]) -> String
solution2 (paper, folds) = printPaper (foldl' (foldPaper) paper folds)
foldPaper :: [(Int, Int)] -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
foldPaper paper axis = map (fold axis) paper
fold :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
fold (0, a) (x, y)
| y < a = (x, y)
| y > a = (x, flipCoord y a)
fold (a, 0) (x, y)
| x < a = (x, y)
| x > a = (flipCoord x a, y)
fold _ _ = undefined -- Only axis-folds are defined
flipCoord :: Int -> Int -> Int
flipCoord c a = a - (c - a)
printPaper :: [(Int, Int)] -> String
printPaper = unlines . coordsToPaper
coordsToPaper :: [(Int, Int)] -> [String]
coordsToPaper dots = [[if (x, y) `elem` dots then '█' else ' ' |
x <- [0..maximum (map fst dots)]] |
y <- [0..maximum (map snd dots)]]
parseInstructions :: String -> ([(Int, Int)], [(Int, Int)])
parseInstructions input =
(dots, folds)
split :: [String]
split = splitByString "\n\n" input
dots :: [(Int, Int)]
dots = (parseCoordinates . head) split
folds :: [(Int, Int)]
folds = (map (tuplify . splitByString "=") . lines . last) split
tuplify :: [String] -> (Int, Int)
tuplify [] = error "Can't turn an empty list into fold instructions"
tuplify (fold:axis)
| last fold == 'x' = (read (head axis), 0)
| last fold == 'y' = (0, read (head axis))
| otherwise = error "Fold instructions must go across x or y"
-- Tests
testInput1 = unlines [
"fold along y=7",
"fold along x=5"]
testInput1Parsed = parseInstructions testInput1
test1 = solution1 testInput1Parsed
test2 = putStr (solution2 testInput1Parsed)
testPrinted1 = putStr (printPaper (foldPaper (fst testInput1Parsed) (head (snd testInput1Parsed))))